
Infrared Zoo (Caltech)


緑のオアシスがつくる絹の道 - シルクロード (NASDA)


What Did You Do During the African Holocaust? (NY Times)


カナダのBSE感染牛、ドッグフードの可能性 (CNN.co.jp)

トピックとは関係ないのだけど、最近CNN.co.jpの翻訳のスピードが上がったんじゃない? 以前は1日くらいタイムラグがあったんだけど。

Getting Volunteers for H.I.V. Vaccine Trials Requires Easing Fears (NY Times)


A Journey to Bridge Math and the Cosmos (NY Times)


Scientists Struggling to Make the Kilogram Right Again (NY Times)

キログラム原器が軽くなりつつある。原因は不明。 The kilogram is defined by a platinum-iridium cylinder, cast in England in 1889. No one knows why it is shedding weight, at least in comparison with other reference weights, but the change has…

Soon, Three New Travelers to Mars (NY Times)


Deal finally achieved to fund European navigation system (Spaceflight Now)

ESAのGPSシステムガリレオ計画で、ようやく契約の配分を巡る対立が決着したらしい。New Scientist, 毎日に関連記事あり。

Rough Soyuz Landing Blamed on Malfunction (Space.com)


まだ原因はよく分かっていない様子。 [Zelenshchikov, deputy chief designer of RKK Energiya] said the commission investigating the off-course landing will continue its work because "experts have been unable so far to reproduce the situation i…

Mountain of Ice (PBS)

明日のPBS科学番組NOVAは南極登山! これは見なきゃね。

Rescue mission for Europe's rockets (BBC)


情報衛星「第2弾」、9月10日に打ち上げ (読売)


BSE tests on first herd prove negative (Globe and Mail)

Those results rule out the possibility that unhealthy practices at that ranch in northern Alberta caused the infection, Dr. Evans said. It also bolsters the agency's repeated assurances that Canadian meat remains safe, he added, and that t…

Rise of H.I.V. in Russia Is Quickening, Official Says (NY Times)

Russia's top government AIDS expert offered a harrowing assessment of the disease's spread today, saying that at least a half-million Russians now carry the H.I.V. virus and that the true number could range as high as 1.5 million, or more …

Perfect eyebrows calculated (Nature Science Update)


Working Remotely, Robots in Place (Wired)


中国が測位衛星打ち上げに成功、米GPSに対抗 (読売)

北斗1号って名前が格好いいぞ。中国の測位衛星はこれで3基目。Space.com, Spaceflight Now, 朝日(写真つき)に関連記事あり。

Brazil Prepares to Join Small Space Club (Reuters)

8月に予定されている2機の人工衛星打ち上げで、宇宙クラブの仲間入りを目指すブラジル。ブラジルのロケットVLSは赤道下のアルカンタラから打ち上げられる。ネタ元は Mars Blog。

Philosophers Draw on the Film 'Matrix' (NY Times)


EU alternative to GPS system threatened (Globe and Mail)

欧州独自のGPSシステム、ガリレオ計画が、契約の奪い合いで話がまとまらない様子。 But the ESA has been unable to release its half because of internal bickering. Germany, Italy, France and Britain initially sought 25 per cent of the budget each…

Private spacecraft tested (BBC)

バート・ルータンの弾道宇宙飛行機 SpaceShipOne とそのキャリア White Knight がテストフライト。

Bush Proposes Universal Time Zone (BBSpot)


Slaughter in the Name of a Drug War (NY Times)

覚醒剤が街に溢れるタイの麻薬撲滅戦争は泥沼らしい。麻薬ディーラーの取り締まりには政府によって賞金がだされ、たいした証拠もないまま殺されたり、それが追求されたりすることもない。 After the government said that drug dealers should surrender or …

Pygmies beg UN for aid to save them from Congo cannibals (Times)

今日のコンゴ記事。カニバリズムのためにマンハントされるピグミー族。 Sinafasi Makelo, a representative of Mbuti pygmies, told the UN’s Indigenous People’s Forum that during the four-year civil war his people had been hunted down and eaten. "…

創業100周年のフォード、「T型」復元しNYで公開 (朝日)

Physicists find inspiration in sand pit (Nature Science Update)

"Dropped balls link crater depth to meteorite diameter."

Viewer's Guide: Strange Solar Eclipse on May 31 (Space.com)

Mad cow quarantine in Canada extended (New Scientist)

The Shape of Hunger (NY Times)
