
紫外線が見えるコウモリ (Nature Japan)


クジラ座礁事件の犯人はソナーか? (Nature Japan)

イルカやクジラが浜辺に乗り上げる事件にどうやら軍事用ソナーが関係しているらしい。Brief Communicationsの報告によれば、クジラたちが海面に向かって急上昇する際、ソナーの音響信号の影響で、ダイバーが減圧症(潜水病)にかかるときと同じく組織内に気…

If you bend a piece of dried spaghetti it breaks into three pieces with the middle piece flying out. Why does this happen? (New Scientist)


世界を目指す日本文学 (AERA)


NASA Changes The Focus Of Future ISS Cargo Delivery Plans (SpaceRef)


NASA is now interested in having a reliable or "assured" means of delivering cargo to the ISS in the 2011 time frame. "Alternate" means of delivering cargo is no longer the highest driver - making sure that cargo can be delivered is. This …

Space Seen as Finite, Shaped Like a Soccer Ball (Space.com)


Oh, No: It's a Girl! - Do daughters cause divorce? (Slate)


Montrealers know how to let good times roll, study suggests (Canada.com)

In the survey, conducted in August by Ipsos-Reid on behalf of Cranium Inc., a board game maker, Montreal was chosen as the "most fun" city [in Canada] by 32 per cent of respondents. Toronto enjoyed Second City status, with 22 per cent of v…