
UN begins Liberia peace task (BBC)

やはりリベリアではまだごたごたしている。 Earlier, the peacekeepers shot their weapons into the air to restore calm after rebels and government troops exchanged fire in the capital during a visit to the city by rebel leader Sekou Conneh. Th…

As Millions Die (NY Times)


Global warming 'kills 160,000 a year' (New Scientist)

Lasers reveal why the cookie crumbles (Nature Science Update)

Schroedinger's cat comes closer (Nature Science Update)

"Getting It" at NASA (SpaceRef)

NASA Watch の編集者による記事。NASAの官僚的な対応を批判したもの。ちょっと笑える。 What follows below is standard NASA behavior. SOP in this regard is 'ignore someone and they will go away. Don't deal with the issue raised. And when the goi…

Dream Machine: Quantum Step to Mars Set for 2005 (Space.com)

2005年にNASAが打ち上げる予定の「火星偵察衛星(Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: MRO)」についての記事。 As the "inspector general" in the Mars brigade from Earth, MRO is expected to yield unmatched close-up observations of Martian features. Its…