
Scientist Links Man to Climate Over the Ages (NY Times)

Humans have altered the world's climate by generating heat-trapping gases since almost the beginning of civilization and even prevented the start of an ice age several thousand years ago, a scientist said on Tuesday. Man has been changing …

Will Global Warming Cool Europe? (Wired)


Volunteers in Japan Give Mount Fuji a Makeover (NY Times)

NYTに富士山のごみを拾うひとたちの話が。しかし下水が問題となってるらしい。 Within a few minutes, however, some of the climbers started exchanging pained glances. The odor wafting from "cozy stations" nearby was overpowering their desire to …

Kyoto Protocol in Peril (NY Times)


Into Thin Air: Kyoto Accord May Not Die (or Matter) (NY Times)


Russia Plays It Coy on Kyoto (Wired)

昨日の報道から一転、やっぱりロシアは京都議定書の批准に傾いているとロシア高官の声明。 "I cannot comment on Illarionov, but we do not have any information in the government about the fact that a decision has been made," Tsikhanov told report…

Russia to Reject Pact on Climate, Putin Aide Says (NY Times)

NY Times に詳しい記事が出てた。ロシアは炭酸ガス排出権を売る立場にあるはずなのに妙だなと上の記事で思っていたら、どうもその主要な買い手であるアメリカが抜けたこと、さらには今後の経済成長率を見通した上での見解らしい。結局は排出権売買のインセン…

Russia To Give Kyoto Thumbs Down (Wired)

ロシアが国内の経済発展への影響を理由に京都議定書を批准しないかもというニュース。 Without Moscow, the protocol cannot come into effect even if approved by every other nation because only Russia's industrial emissions are large enough to tip…

Global warming 'kills 160,000 a year' (New Scientist)

Mesoamerica Burning (Science@NASA)

中南米の生物多様性を守るために、熱帯雨林の保護地区をNASAの地球観測衛星で見守る。動植物の生息域が孤立しないように "Mesoamerican Biological Corridor" という計画によって、森が網の目のように繋がったまま保護されている様子がわかる。