
Evelyn Waugh Reconsidered (Slate)

Slate のブッククラブにあったイーヴリン・ウォー再評価のメール対談。なるほど、"Scoop" というのは面白そうだね。

In Memoriam: Patricia Goldman-Rakic, SfN Past President, Preeminent Yale Neuroscientist who Made Groundbreaking Discoveries in Working Memory and Explored the Brain's Frontal Lobe (Society for Neuroscience)

これには驚いた。前頭葉作業記憶の研究で著名なパトリシア・ゴールドマン=ラキーチが車に轢かれて亡くなったらしい。 Yale neuroscientist dies from accident injuries

Galaxy quest (Independent)

Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, has launched his own space programme and wants to send tourists into orbit. He is not alone - entrepreneurs across the United States are reaching for the sky. What is it with rich men and rockets? ジェフ…

Long-distance learner (New Scientist)


Evidence of Drought in South Africa (NASA)
