Fly Me to L1 (NY Times)

NYTの Op-Ed にバズ・オルドリンが文章を書いているのを発見してびっくり。ブッシュ政権が検討していると噂される月への有人飛行の計画に関連して。オルドリンは月へ戻るのは過去の栄光を取り戻すに過ぎないとしたうえで、L1(月まで3分の2の距離にあるラグランジュ点)に月もしくは火星を目指すための発射基地建設を唱えている。

Unlike the Moon and the International Space Station, which is in low-earth orbit, L1 is not the site of strong gravitational pulls, meaning that spacecraft can leave there without using much energy. Thus L1 would be the most sensible position for a base that would function as a test area and way-point for robotic flights as well as a support station and safe haven for human exploration of the solar system.


The big change would be to replace the aging shuttle orbiter with a new crew module that would hold perhaps eight or more astronauts, and build a so-called heavy-lift vehicle, capable of carrying cargo, that would attach behind the module. This craft would be capable of variable crew and cargo configurations.
