Space Wedding

すげー。今日ISSクルーのユーリ・マレンチェンコと強行結婚するエカテリーナ・ドミトリフさんがその宇宙結婚式のためのオフィシャル・サイトを作ってる。トップページにはマレンチェンコと出会ったときの様子が。確かにこりゃー「愛は強し」と言わざるをえないね。ネタ元はいつものように NASA Watch

So as I am putting my glass down to leave I look up, from the glass, to the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. A man in a black leather jacket, seduction just seeping from him in every angle I can see. There stands Yuri. In the quarter of a minute our eyes made contact. I knew this was the man I was going to marry. Looking into his eyes and knowing that this was the bond of my life. I knew at this instant that this was the most wonderful man, the gentlest, the kindest the one who can give me all the love in the world, and love that is beyond this world. I knew there was no turning back.