Stopping the Genocide in Congo (NY Times)

とうとうコンゴの話題はNY Timesの論説に挙がってしまった。安保理で決まったフランスを中心としたの平和維持軍は1400人、バングラデシュから軍が派遣されるまでの暫定的なもの。論説では軍隊が少なすぎること、権限が限られていることを心配している。

The soldiers will be able to use force to protect civilians but will not be able to leave Bunia, the capital. Yet much of the population has fled to the countryside, and massacres are occurring there. We worry that the troops may be too few and have too limited a mandate to do what is needed: stop the killings, end the flow of weapons from neighboring countries and disarm the militias. The French-led contingent and its new powers are also temporary. When Bangladeshi soldiers arrive in September, they will come with a weaker mandate, leaving them unable even to protect civilians in the capital.
