Rise of H.I.V. in Russia Is Quickening, Official Says (NY Times)

Russia's top government AIDS expert offered a harrowing assessment of the disease's spread today, saying that at least a half-million Russians now carry the H.I.V. virus and that the true number could range as high as 1.5 million, or more than 1 percent of the overall population, which is about 147 million. More ominous still, he said, foreign experts now say the total number of people infected could surpass seven million -- 1 in every 25 Russians -- in as few as five years.


BSE tests on first herd prove negative (Globe and Mail)

Those results rule out the possibility that unhealthy practices at that ranch in northern Alberta caused the infection, Dr. Evans said. It also bolsters the agency's repeated assurances that Canadian meat remains safe, he added, and that the regulatory system has worked properly.

Rescue mission for Europe's rockets (BBC)
